Tag: Wife

My Wife Believes

My Wife Believes – She is a better driver, I let our dog decide.

Good Old Fashioned Values

Good Old Fashioned Values – That’s right honey, dreams, goals and education are Satan’s way of distracting you from being a good wife.

Wearing The Pants

Wearing The Pants – I do what i want, how i want and when i want to do it. As long as i ask my

Inside Jokes

Inside Jokes – Telling your wife that she looks the same as she did 20 years ago might seem like a compliment to her, but

Your Search

Your Search – Winning an argument wit your wife had 0 matches.

Yes Dear

YES DEAR. – I know. I’m sorry. Yes, it WAS my fault. Yes, you ARE right. Look, I’ve said i’m sorry. I don’t know what

A Nagging Wife

A NAGGING WIFE – Means that she still cares. It is when she gives you the silent treatment that she is plotting your gruesome murder.

I Tried That

I Tried That – But most of the time my wife says no