Two Faced – I smile when I’m happy. I smile more when I’m sad.
Determination – Fooling others takes years of practice. Fooling yourself only takes seconds of doubt.
Trust Issues – I’m not saying I have trust issues… …Because you’ll just tell everybody.
Hemorrhoids – It’s easier to smile even if you’re hurting inside, than to explain to the world why you’re sad.
Childhood Fears – It wasn’t that I was afraid of going to sleep, It was that I was afraid of never waking up again.
Though Childhood – So I hear you didn’t have a game-boy as a kid. I always wondered what first world problems looked like.
Bravery – There’s a difference between having a shot and pulling the trigger. One takes courage. The other takes balls.
Excuses – Don’t make Excuses. Make things happen. Make changes. Then make history.
Multitasking – It’s not that men can’t do two things at once, It’s just that we like to appreciate things one at a time.
Gone Too Soon – I wish you had been there when I needed you, I wish you had been there when I didn’t, I just
SEE NO EVIL, HEAR NO EVIL, SPEAK NO EVIL – Censorship, like charity, should begin at home; but, unlike charity, it should end there.
MISSED YOUR LATTE TODAY? – These folks didn’t have a house. Get over yourself.