Tag: Water

Vertical Kayaking

Vertical Kayaking – Because horizontal kayaking isn’t enough of a challenge.

The Four Elements

The Four Elements – Earth, air, fire and water. The best mother nature has to offer …


Obdurate – Women don’t let such things as common sense ruin their argument.

Drinking Problems

Drinking – Take your lips off the faucet and admit you have a problem.

That’s Cool

That’s Cool – But what happens on the southern hemisphere?

Mother Nature

Mother Nature – Clearly, she has a sense of humor


Tragedy: Your “drop in the bucket” and my “drop in the bucket” may not necessarily be the same quantity.

No Apologies

No Apologies: I don’t know what the key to success is, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone.

Scuba Diving In Ireland

Scuba Diving In Ireland: A visiting tourist asks an Irishman: Why do scuba divers always fall backwards off their boats? The Irishman replies: If they

Wave Rider

Wave rider – Break into me like wet waves on sand spasming, shock-shelled, guided by your hand… I Am surrounded by waves. Constantly crashing, submerging