Hidden Fruits – Are usually the ones that taste the sweetest.
Mind Reading – The only way for a man to understand a woman and the best way for a woman to tease a man.
Osmosis – Diffusion of molecules from a place of higher concentration to a place of lower concentration until the concentration on both sides is equal.
An Old Chinese Proverb Says: If you don’t know what to say, tell an old Chinese proverb.
Man Needs a Smart Woman – For boy it is quite enough when she’s only pretty.
Affection – When two people meet they have that initial spark, that magic that’s called love at first sight when only one person has it
The Trouble With Internet Quotes – Is you never know if they are genuine or not. – Alexander Graham Bell –
Stuck – Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering.
Taking The Plunge – I guess that’s what saying goodbye is like jumping off the edge. The worse part is making the choice to do
Congratulations – You might think that your “victory” over erectile dysfunction is just between you and your wife, but your wife probably has other ideas