Ghost Cat

Ghost Cat – He’s watching you.

Fail Bike

Fail Bike – When your best just isn’t good enough.

Bar Bets

Bar Bets – Fun and games …until you lose.

I Tried That

I Tried That – But most of the time my wife says no


Regrets – Those were the droids you were looking for.


Scarecrows – Its a fact that crows are way smarter than you… No More!

Men’s Love

Image link: If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn’t nothing can make him stay

True Hero

True Hero – Not a sports player. Not a politician. Not a faddish popular figure. A hero faces death for others, with no thought of

War Tags

Tags – One in the morning, someone calls. Baby starts crying down the hall. Mama comes in, tears down her face. His daddy ain’t come-in

Under SOPA

Under SOPA – You could get 5 years for uploading Michael Jackson song

Dont Worry

Dont Worry – If life doesn’t break you today it will try again tomorrow.


Honesty – is always the best policy

3D Nerd

3D Nerd – Demotivational Poster

Having Talent

Having Talent …isn’t necessary when you know the right people