

Wisdom – Being single doesn’t mean than you know nothing about love. Sometimes, being solo is wiser than being in a false relationship.

Bowl Of Soup

Bowl Of Soup – Life is like a bowl of soup, If you’re hot you’ll get blown.

Chicken Taste

Chicken? – No that is a lie, we taste like poop.

Fire Alarm

Fire Alarm – When it starts popping, time to get hopping.

Money And Women

Money And Women – You can lose money chasing women, You can never lose women chasing money!

Second Thoughts

Second Thoughts – There is no place for them here or anywhere else in life. Go big or die trying.

Dear Life

Dear Life – When I said “can my day get any worse?” It was rhetorical question not a challenge.

Young And Old

Young And Old – You say I have daddy issues, but I’m not the one sleeping with someone my daughters age.

Screw This

Screw This – I am going to run for public office.

US Army Rangers

US Army Rangers – When they absolutely positively have to die overnight .


Wazup – Dude, Call me later, my mums just being awkward!

Getting Wisdom

Wisdom – You get wisdom from experience, you get experience from bad judgement, this man will be very wise very soon.

People Are a Problem

People – “To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem.” (Douglas Adams)


Publicity – Before jumping in and doing the good thing… Make sure that everyone’s watching.

Being Decent

Decency – Because getting up and walking away would offend his feelings…

20 Years Ago

20 Years Ago – We had Steve Jobs, Johnny Cash and Bob Hope. Now we have no jobs, no cash and no hope.

Have Diet

Diet – The toughest part of a diet isn’t watching what you eat. It’s watching what other people eat.

Relief Yourself

Relief – It is not good to hold it all in…. Just pick your time and place and let it out… You’ll feel yourself rising…

Flirting Friendly

Flirting – It’s called flirting when you’re in a relationship. But it’s being called being friendly when you’re single.

The Gift Of Giving

The Gift Of Giving – I never get jealous when I see my ex with someone else, because my parents always taught me to give