Tag: Masks

Anime Masks

Masks – It’s easier to fake a smile when you don’t care.

Crowd Surfing

Crowd Surfing – Burns almost as many calories as channel surfing!

Luke, I’m Your Mother

Masks – Shame occurs when you haven’t been able to get away with the “who” you want people to think you are.

Their Masks

Masks – She had blue skin and so did he. He kept it hid and so did she. They searched for blue their whole life

Life Is Ironic

Life Is Ironic – It take sadness to know happiness, noise to appreciate silence, and absence to value presence.

Truth Knowing

Truth – Who’s not be able to accept it, is not worth knowing it.

I Remember

I Remember – The first time I told you I love you. You slid down that pole, right into my heart.

Get Excited

Get Excited – It’s the one day of the year when your behavior makes sense.