Tag: Drinks

Battle Shots

Battle Shots – Good idea though but still… Remember when people just went to bars?

The Irish Cure For Everything

The Irish Cure For Everything – Consult with your physician to have your medications changed it may not make you better, but you’ll sure Feel

Red Bull Girl

Red Bull – I’m feeling more energized already!


ICE T – Some like it sweet, some like it strong and some like it dark.

Family Ties

Family Ties – Just because she has them… Doesn’t mean you should care.

Hunting With Money

Hunting – Some have lost at the game of attraction, most have found that money always works.


Wealth – Accumulating great wealth is not difficult. You buy people for what they’re really worth and then you sell them for what they think

Defensive Drinking

DEFENSIVE DRINKING – Strategically consuming alcohol for the sole purpose of preventing others from getting it.

Good Parenting

GOOD PARENTING – The secret is to get your priorities in order.

In America

In America – you can bye hear attacks.

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